Demand solutions for affordable child care.
Are you a parent, child care provider, or other advocate with a powerful story about infant and toddler care access? Many of us are well aware about the challenges of finding, keeping, and affording quality child care but may feel unsure about what to do about it. Strolling Thunder presents an opportunity to band together to tell policymakers that access to affordable, high-quality child care matters, especially for infants and toddlers. Babies, toddlers, their families and YOU will take over Washington State Capitol, meet with policymakers, and demand solutions for affordable child care for more Washington families! #ThinkBabies
Strolling Thunder, coordinated by the Children’s Alliance, will be held on March 14 from 10:00 AM- 12 PM at the State Capitol in Olympia. This advocacy event focuses on infant and toddler care access, and Child Care Aware of Washington is pleased to be a supporting partner.
Feel like you need more discussion or preparation around this topic? Call us at (360) 734-8396 ext. 227 or email to join an interest list about forming a workshop or community conversation with other families or child care providers.
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